I am a PhD student at University College London (UCL), enrolled in the CDT in Delivering Quantum Technologies. I currently work on quantum error correction in Dan Browne’s group, with a focus on 3D topological codes. Recently I have been working on tailoring 3D codes for biased noise, and on developing the open-source library PanQEC for simulating and visualizing topological codes (with my collaborator Eric Huang).
I received a MSc with a double degree in mathematics and theoretical physics from ENSTA (Paris) and KTH (Stockholm). I did my master’s thesis on variational circuits for quantum data at the University of Toronto with Peter Wittek. In 2019, I worked for seven months at 1QBit, in Vancouver and Waterloo, applying reinforcement learning to quantum annealing problems. I spent my Summer 2020 at Los Alamos National Laboratory, where I contributed to a paper on the absence of barren plateaus in quantum convolutional neural networks.
I have worked on a variety of topics in machine learning (domain adaptation, likelihood-free inference, federated learning), accelerator physics (impedance models in particle accelerators) and quantum computing (error correction, variational circuits, continuous-variable QC, quantum annealing). You can find my CV here.
If you have similar interests, feel free to reach out, I always enjoy discussing research and meeting new people!